It is with great pleasure that I inaugurate my new blog page in order to share with you more personally both behind the scenes at Wrestlingmale and thematic reflections on the gay, wrestling and porn scene. Soon, you will be allowed to post your own comments too!

It is a daily excitement to develop my production by directing and editing scenes sharing my artistic personality and staying, as same time, universal enough to touch you in the rich fetishistic and homo-erotic palette of wrestling as well as domination-submission.

Frankly, at the beginning of this project, I did not expect such a requirement for involvement in work and my life. Nor did I expect such a return of exhilaration and human encounters that were both surprising and exceptional.

I am very fortunate to enjoy this new experience in my fifties.

Life always holds beautiful surprises when we no longer hope for them and also when we hunt them down to enjoy them!

Etienne Erik

Producer and Director Wrestlingmale.




TOP PHOTOGRAPHY : I was in Barcelona this summer for very short holidays and some Mojito time…


LEFT VIDEO : My promo for our new Wrestlingmale blog page… In front of a good Parisian French pâtisserie obviously ahahah


LEFT PHOTOGRAPHY : behind the Florida Sunset Rage scene / working out before fighting at Tampa Wrestling West Coast Club
