Final votes for the Grabby Europe awards 2025 are open until March 20, 2025.
Thanks to your support, Wrestlingmale, myself Etienne Erik and all our actors get again many nominations in 2025.
Final votes for the Grabby Europe awards 2025 are open until March 20, 2025.
Thanks to your support, Wrestlingmale, myself Etienne Erik and all our actors get again many nominations in 2025.
A year has already gone by and it’s time to discover your favorite Wrestlingmale 2024 films and actors again!
I send you and all your loved ones my warmest and most thoughtful wishes for 2025.
I’m pleased to announce the cast of our next Wrestlingmale shoots in June 2024 in Paris – France!
Take this opportunity to create your own custom scenes!
Final voting for the grabby europe awards 2024 closed the 17th March 2024.
Thanks to your support, Wrestlingmale, myself Etienne Erik and all our actors get again many nominations in 2024.
Thanks to all the bloggers, referents & professional magazines who spontaneously and regularly publish articles on Wrestlingmale. We share them in our “Wrestlingmale Press review”…
Find out which are your favorite Wrestlingmale films and actors 2023!
I’m particularly proud to have received this year both the Best Fetish Porn Actor Grabby Europe 2023 award and for the second time the Best Studio award with Infinity Festival – European porn awards!
A few months after my Grabby Europe Best Fetish porn actor award, we’re proud to announce that we’ve also received the Best Studio award for the second year running in this 2023 edition!
Take advantage of our next sessions in Barcelona to create your own custom scenes with your favorites fighters among our current cast!
Join us in Cologne for WEKINK at Babylon sauna, Cologne’s kinky new event, from September 22 to 24, 2023! We’ll perform 2 live shows: Saturday, September 23 at 4:45pm/5pm and Sunday, September 24 at 2:30pm/14:45pm on a podium above the pool!
We are pleased to announce that we are launching the VOD purchase option for some of the first Wrestlingmale videos via the platform HERE
All you have to do is create a free account! Then enjoy! More content will gradually be published on this platform. A great opportunity to revisit our videography!
Following the success of our Onlyfans account … We’ve decided to offer you even more content beyond our platform: subscribe and discover our new long Wrestlingmale video extracts via our brand new JUSTFORFANS account:
Over our 5 years of production, and even more so in the last few months, we’ve developed many angles of the Wrestlingmale universe that you’re a fan of!
To make this multi-faceted approach easier for you, you can now discover or rediscover all our creative and artistic activities via!
I felt such an immense pleasure and recognition after receiving the Best Fetish Porn Star Grabby Europe 2023 award!
We present you from the Fight Room Paris and preview Axel Reed, model, X-actor & top wrestler who joins the Wrestlingmale team!…
As for the Grabbys awards Europe, the votes Grabbys awards USA 2023 are open from February 25th to April 1rst 2023 HERE (until 3 favorites per category).
In addition to vote Wrestlingmale for the Grabbys Europe 2023 according to our nominations, we got for the first time many nominations with Grabby USA 2023. So, we propose you to vote Wrestlingmale team for the Grabbys USA 2023 too!
Find out which your favorite Wrestlingmale movies and actors are in 2022! This year was again extremely rich and productive with new actors, series and concepts! It was also accompanied by an unparalleled recognition from all our fans, bloggers, Grabbys Europe porn award on all our social networks…
We are proud to announce that we have received the award for Best Studio 2022!…
Thanks to your support, Wrestlingmale, myself Etienne Erik and all our actors have once again received an incredible number of nominations at the Grabby awards Europe 2022.
We were able to organize on this occasion three live shows with 10 models…
We are so happy and honoured to announce 3 nominations Wrestlingmale for Aduff Awards 2022!
YOU CAN VOTE HERE before April 17th 2022 for Wrestlingmale to win!
One year ago, we launched “WRESTLINGMALE Adventures”, our new Wrestlingmale digital world or better said, your own new Wrestlingmale digital fantasy. To celebrate this occasion and a happy new year 2022, we set up 20% OFF on any order before the 31st of January 2022…
Find out which your favorite Wrestlingmale movies and actors are in 2021! This year was again extremely rich and productive with new actors, series and concepts! It was also accompanied by an unparalleled recognition from all our fans, bloggers, Grabbys Europe porn award on all our social networks…
Every new day is also a new challenge for Wrestlingmale to keep developing the qualitative print of our production. We therefore communicate here our current needs and Wrestlingmale opportunities to be seized to constantly optimize our entertainment which is yours…
Notre TWITTER atteint désormais 20K et notre ONLYFANS poursuit son ascension avec du nouveau contenu exclusif deux fois par semaine…
Wrestlingmale Collection has been launched by Etienne Erik owner of Wrestlingmale Studio in 2019. The original idea was to set up his own branded sportswear for his models and fans.
By extension, Wrestlingmale Collection can be defined today as a smart lycra and fetish wear for wrestling & sports as well for beach & kinky parties!
I am so happy to present our Wrestlingmale Collection II!
While our TWITTER account has passed the 20K followers mark (10.3K tweets), our ONLYFANS also continues to grow and gives you access to exclusive content including more than 1.9K photos & 333 videos (extended trailers from our films…
I am so pleased to announce our new shootings from July 1 to July 5, 2021 in Barcelona in a Fight club with ring & MMA open cage facilities
Due to the success of our Custom service that we have been offering for two years, we are renewing the formula so that you can still enjoy our next shoots to make us realize your own fantasies, your own scene with your favorite fighters!…
Thanks to your support, Wrestlingmale, myself Etienne Erik and all our actors got an incredible number of nominations for GrabbysEurope 2021!…
Our ultimate zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Our ultimate zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Our ultimate zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
And here is tour first 2020 Christmas surprise!… I am very happy to announce the official launch of our ONLYFANS Wrestlingmale account!
Find out which your favorite Wrestlingmale movies & actors are in this end 2020! Find out which are our 2020 Best Sellers!… Surprises!
Thanks to all the bloggers, referents & professional magazines who spontaneously and regularly publish articles on Wrestlingmale. We share them in our “Wrestlingmale Press review”…
Today, one of my numerous Daddy & Son scene : “Florida Sunset Rage 14” : vs Angelo Diomares in his early times as Latino Rookie in the scene!!
After the creation of our ONLYFANS account, here is our second surprise and artistic launch : I am launching “WRESTLINGMALE Adventures”, our new Wrestlingmale digital world or better said, your own new Wrestlingmale digital fantasy!
And here is tour first 2020 Christmas surprise!… I am very happy to announce the official launch of our ONLYFANS Wrestlingmale account!
Our ultimate zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Today, my Cult DaddyvsDaddy scene : “Paris Private House 3” : what is the stake of this nasty match ever?…
Here I am back after all the preparation and realization of our last shoots and live streaming Show Bestial…
Our success is yours… So please, share your opinion & suggestions with us so that we can optimise the realisation of your fantasies!
Thanks for completing our Wrestlingmale survey below…
Thank you for this fabulous moment we spent together with you through our first interactive live streaming show on Saturday 24th October!
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, our Best Seller scene : “Paris Rough Housse War 12” : Butch.J ‘s revenge on Muscle Beast
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, our fetish scene : “Paris Rough Housse Assault 14” : Rok badly heels…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, a new Custom scene : “Paris Deal 9 for Robert – Part1” : the first part of the highly sensual & fetichist trilogy…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer.Today, a Custom scene : “Paris Deal 1 for Alexin – Part 2” : a 3 way fight… Soooo kinky!!…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer.Today, a Best-Seller scene : “Paris Rough House War 12” : Butch.J ‘s revenge…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer.Today, a Custom scene : “Paris Deal 2 for Royboy” : Jack’s revenge after his humiliation…
Parallèlement à notre premier Show Live Streaming intéractif, je suis heureux de vous annoncer également la programmation de nouveaux tournages du 22 au 26 octobre 2020…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
I am proud to announce you the programming of BESTIAL, our first Live Streaming Show !
Due to the success of our two previous Live Shows in Malaga & Madrid in 2019…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, a Classic 2vs1 scene : “Paris Rough House War 14” : bad day for our Ukrainian Bodybuilder…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, a Classic Daddy & Son scene : “Paris Rough House War 11” : Whoi is nastier?!…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, one more NHB competitive scene : “Boston Clash 3” : including punching on body… Daddy vs Daddy…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, one of the very first NHB competitive scenes : “Paris Rough House Assault 9 – Part 1” : here is a random fighters competition… including a very hot bondage handicap…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, a Classic Custom scene “Paris Deal 5 for John” : a very special training for police teammates…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, a Classic scene “Florida Sunset Rage 10” : An epic Battle Royal…
Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, a Classic Daddy & Son scene : “Boston Clash 2″…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, a cult & underground Daddy vs Daddy scene : “Paris Private House 3” …
Thanks to Porn stars Joe Gillis et Martin Mazza to share with us their experience through our Live show in Madrid…
Every week, here is our zoom on Wrestlingmale “Serial Killer” abuse! No moderation!…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today let’s have a focus on one Scene from the very successful “Michael & Seth” Series : in the Episode 5, Stefan fights with 3 international porn stars…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Best – Seller Scene “Paris Rough House War 6” : US Bodybuilder Daddy Butch.J vs UK Porn star son…
We are proud to recall our values, to recall the obvious: “Black lives matter”! Wrestlingmale strongly condemns all acts & purposes of racist violence…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Custom Scene “Summer Pride – Part 4” from the series Summer Pride 2019 to celebrate Torremolinos Gay Pride & 1YO Wrestlingmale Birthday!..
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Custom Scene Daddy vs Daddy “Paris Rough House Assault 10” : the first fight ever for the Porn star Dolf Dietrich vs…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Custom Scene “Paris Deal 9 for Robert Part 1” : the first part o a nasty trilogy…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Scene from the Series “Michael & Seth – Episode 7” : Coach Seth Santoro & Latino musclehunk…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Special Edition Scene “Muscle Beast – Part 2 – Enough” : THE Beast vs 2 daddies, Bodybuilder Butch.J & masked…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Custom Scene “Paris Deal 5 for John” : enjoy this hot & dirty fight US Beefy Prowrestler Stefan vs …
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Best Seller Scene “Florida Sunset Rage 4” : the first Daddy&son fight Etienne & Bulldog…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer… Today our Special Episode Series “Summer Pride 2019” Episode 4 : Sun… Top & Tap!…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer… Today our Skye Man Best Seller Scene…
Thanks to your votes, Wrestlingmale got many nominations for the Prowler European Porn awards 2020 : your support allows Wrestlingmale & Etienne Erik to get 9 nominations & offers 16 other nominations among…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Custom Daddy&Son fight “Paris Deal4 Jakespeed”…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our oiled nude 6 way Fight “Paris Rough House War 3″…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our oiled nude 6 way Fight “Paris Rough House Assault 8 – Part2″…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Classic “Florida Sunset Rage 2″…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Custom “Paris Deal 7 for Monty”…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we will offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today our Custom XTREME Shot scene “Madrid Deal 1 for Patrick”…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, our 2019 Best-seller Trio from the series Paris Rough House Assault…
We have updated the photo galleries of all our models pages! Hundreds of screenshots of their matches have been added to set up a genuine fan collection! It gives you this opportunity to revisit your favorite figthers’ profiles…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, our 2019 Best-seller from the series Boston Clash…
Viktor had “desesperatly “tried to reach me as early as the end of 2018 when he discovered the concept of my production … Viktor is 100% into Domination / submission! Not surprising so he luuuvs Wrestlingmale scenes!…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer. Today, our 2019 Best-seller from the series Florida Sunset Rage…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we will offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer… Today, Paris Rough House Assault 9 / Part 1 & Part 2 : one of our many competitive fights where the draw defines who will fight whom! The winner …
To celebrate our first week of the new year 2020, we exceptionnally offer you 5 bonus trailers from our “Paris Private House” scenes! Featuring competitive grappling, prowrestling & freestyle wrestling techniques…
Thank you all for this wonderful New Year’s gift! There are now more than 10,000 of you following us on Twitter, as well as many more everywhere else…
Thank you so much to all for this fabulous & so exciting first shared full year 2019! All my best wishes for 2020! We keep the way for satisfying all your fetishes! TOP 1 BEST SELLER 2019…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we will offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer… Today…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we will offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer… Today…
Thanks to all for following our blogpage! Each week, we will offer you an exclusive Wrestlingmale extended trailer… Today…
Thank you to all of you who are following our blog page! Here, we have the pleasure to share and make you live exclusive stories, “Behind the scene” shots, Bonus trailers and, for the first time today… A “Between the scene” raw shot from…
Manuel Skye is undoubtedly part of one of my most sublime encounters in Wrestlingmale adventure…
Simple and complex, Manuel’s personality is both unique and multi-faceted, an actor full of contradictions…
Our latest shootings in Madrid mark a new direction for our production in many ways! Wrestlingmale Next Generation is born…. Wrestlingmale Dark side will make you shudder! I wanted to share with you the story of the XTREME shot @theringprivate series…
Discover the “White Icon Monogram” Wrestlingmale speedo with our exclusive preview shots of the latest shoots in Madrid: Michael Roman inaugurated it…
We offer you the possibility to collect some sweaty unwashed swimwear which have been worn by your favorite fighters through their insane matches…
Wrestlingmale Originals Collection has been launched by Etienne Erik owner of Wrestlingmale Studio in 2019. The original idea was to set up his own branded sportswear for his models and fans.
By extension, Wrestlingmale Collection can be defined today as a smart lycra and fetish wear for wrestling & sports as well for beach & kinky parties!
Wrestlingmale production offers you again the exclusive opportunity to create your scenes with a prestigious casting and take advantage of our upcoming shootings on September 20/ October 2. 13 newcomers overwhelm Wrestlingmale for you! Pick up your favorite models among an available team of 33 hot & rough…
Fiers oui et même très fiers!… Célébrons ensemble notre premier anniversaire et la 25 ième Pride à Torremolinos le 25 mai 2019! Wrestlingmale organise son premier Happening live show …
Wrestlingmale production offers you the exclusive opportunity to create your scenes again and take advantage of our upcoming shootings in May 25/26 2019 in Malaga
Our first Wrestlingmale series for you next week: “Michael & Seth”!
Our porn stars Michael Roman and Seth Santoro will compete exclusively for Wrestlingmale during…
We got a fabulous atmosphere! The full team was on the alert for our ever hotter shoots at Paris Rough House from February 22 to 26, 2019! Enjoy the Behind the scenes video and shots that your favorite wrestlers and porn stars offer you! Thank you to them and see them very soon…
So, personally…. “JUST” A HUGE THANK YOU to the team of nearly 20 people including 15 fighters…
Our new and second Wrestlingmale Sportswear collection continues! Our fighters and porn stars have already inaugurated it for you during our last shoots in February in Paris Rough house….
Yes, we’re working!… We are working… And we also have a lot of fun during our shootings! Here, a backstage photo gallery from…
With Judokan here in Paris for the holidays, we wish you all a wonderful happy new year 2019! Thank you for your cheerful enthusiasm and…
We offer you lots of exclusive bonus trailers as Christmas and New Year gifts! Our end of the year is very hot and nasty with…
We officialize on our website the customization service! It was already effective and several films have been released!…
Just click on this link :
This link corresponds to…
Now, thanks to the optimization of our “Search” engine, you get a Wrestlingmale photo gallery for many keyword of your choice. Then…
Yes, we’re working!… We are working… And we also have a lot of fun during our shootings! Here, a backstage photo gallery from…
It is with great pleasure that I inaugurate my new blog page in order to share with you more personally both behind the scenes at Wrestlingmale and thematic reflections on the gay, wrestling and porn scene. Soon…
Now, thanks to the optimization of our “Search” engine, you get a Wrestlingmale photo gallery for many keyword of your choice. Then…
I am sooo happy to honour my friend Dolf Dietrich in order to inaugurate this blog with a first article dedicated to this generous and endearing American porn actor.
I decided to adjectivate Dolf by “The Great” because Dolf…
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